Ring Runner
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Post  Paul Dryere Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:09 am

[Good Old Games Only]
Please make sure you have the latest update installed.

[Desura Only]
Failing to launch from Desura Application.
Launch the game using the Desktop Shortcut created during installation. (RingRunner.appref-ms)
Stuck on Validating Files when installing from Desura Application.
Download RingRunner.zip from Ring Runner's Desura Page, found under purchased downloads. Unzip and run setup.exe.

[Green Man Gaming Only]
Failing to install from Capsule Application.
Browse to the location the game zip was downloaded. This can be found in the Capsule Application under Settings>Download Data Path. Browse down the Ring Runner folder until you reach fullgame.zip, unzip and run setup.exe.

[Problems with Installation]
First, make sure that you have no version of Ring Runner installed (it should show up in Add or Remove Program list). Second, make sure you have viewing hidden folders enabled. Here is a helpful link on how to enable this option. Next, you will need to delete your ClickOnce cache. To do so, delete all the files in the following folder.
On Vista, 7, and 8: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\
On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\
You should now be ready to install Ring Runner.

[Game Fails to Launch]
Make sure your Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile is up to date. Here is a download link.
Make sure your Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 Refresh is up to date. Here is a download link.

[Game Crashes When Loading a Mission]
If you are playing on a laptop.
Please make sure the game is allowed access to the GPU. Many laptops have power saving settings that will prevent certain applications from utilizing the GPU.
Here is a helpful link for those who have an Nvidia card.

If you are playing on a desktop (or laptop and you already did step above).
These crashes are typically caused by running out of video memory when procedurally generating the background for the mission. Please take a look at the in game troubleshooting section. Found in the Main Menu under Help>Troubleshooting.

[Game Periodically Crashes]
Usually, when the game crashes, a log is written (see below). If the crash log reads [Value does not fall within the expected range.] ->   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Present(tagRECT* pSource, tagRECT* pDest, HWND__* hOverride) please try playing the game in fullscreen mode, if the crashing continues, please try lowering the resolution.

[Reporting Crashes]
In most cases when the game crashes a small text file with debug information is generated. These crash logs can be found in your Documents folder in a folder named Ring Runner Crash Logs. Please send the crash log, along with a short description of when the crash occurred, to RRCrashReport@gmail.com.
Paul Dryere
Paul Dryere

Posts : 504
Join date : 2012-02-28
Age : 37

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